Brand Toolkit Services

Laying the foundations
for an unshakeable
Make a
name for
How to be
the Yoda to your
Designing a brand
that stands
the test of time
Ensuring brand
and consistency
We're on hand
when you need us

Our Brand Toolkit service makes sure that all marketing and comms materials are consistent with your brand's identity and messaging. It reduces confusion and gets everyone on exactly the same page.

We design our toolkit system to make it easier for your designers, marketers, and writers to align with your new identity, significantly reducing the time and effort required ongoing to develop new assets.


Our Brand
Strategy process

Our Brand
Naming process

Our Brand
Storytelling process

Our Brand
Identity process

Our Brand
Toolkit process

Our Brand
Support process


Extending the graphical language

Logos & graphic artwork

We start the brand toolkit process by building out all logo variants along with other graphical elements, such as icons and symbols, that can be used across all brand touchpoints. These elements are versatile and scalable, allowing them to be used in various sizes and formats.


License to thrill

Image & typography licensing

To ensure consistency in the brand's visual identity, we create an image library for the brand toolkit that includes all approved images and photographs. We also obtain rights for the typography used in the brand's collateral to ensure that all typography is legally sourced and properly licensed.


Setting up your templates

Corporate collateral templates

In the brand toolkit we design a range of templates including business cards, letterheads, and email signatures. These templates integrate the brand's visual identity, including the logo, typography, and colour palette. They're easily customisable, so your teams can create new versions quickly and easily.


Your Go-to guidelines

Brand identity guidelines

A core element of the Brand Toolkit is the brand identity guidelines (both online and pdf) which comprehensively cover the use of logo, typography, colour palette and graphic components. We also provide clear visual guidance on how to use the brand identity in different contexts, such as social media, advertising and promotional materials.


Gathering the assets

Brand asset portal

To streamline access to your beautiful new brand assets and make it easy for everyone to find what they need, we create your very own cloud based brand asset portal as the final part of our Brand Toolkit service. So nothing gets lost in translation.

The key principles that guide a perfect Brand Toolkit

The key principles that guide a perfect Brand Toolkit


The brand toolkit should promote consistency across all touchpoints, ensuring that the brand is represented in a unified and cohesive way.


The brand toolkit should be easily accessible to all your people who need to use it, including internal teams and external partners.

User Friendly

A great brand toolkit should be easy to navigate, with clear instructions and guidelines. Then there are no excuses for getting things wrong.


Your brand toolkit should be updated regularly to reflect changes in the market, audience behaviour or the brand itself. It should be a live document that evolves with the brand.

Brief us

We know you have questions. Whether you’re a branding expert or if you feel out of your depth, it comes down to finding like-minded people you can connect with, trust to a great job, and feel excited about working with.

Get in touch and find out if we are your kind of people. Or you can click below and fill out our super simple briefing form.

Client testimonials

You can take our word for it. Or you can take theirs.

"The reason we ended up choosing Huddle was because we didn’t want a cookie-cutter approach that other agencies were offering us, we wanted someone who would really get to know our Firm and push us to not be afraid to be a bit different in our sector. We’re incredibly happy with the final product. It’s a great balance of being different like we wanted, but also being realistic about who we are as a Firm and how we market our brand in the legal sector. Our new brand is exciting and fresh, but because it is quite flexible and adaptable, it has more longevity which is what we also really needed. We’ve even had competitors ask us who we used for our rebrand!!"

Noni Garratt Wall

Head of Marketing

Charles Russell Speechlys