When a small business owner is looking for a new office, warehouse or workshop the only thing that matters is the price, right? Actually there’s a lot more they need beyond inexpensive rent. What a new business needs is an environment to thrive in - and this became the core theme of a communications plan we developed to launch BizSpace’s new brand identity.

Creating a buzz
The new identity itself had already been produced before Huddle were called in. They needed us to look at how the new identity could be used to project the real value BizSpace produced for tenants beyond a cost effective workspace.
When we looked closer at what BizSpace offered we realised they provided not just buildings but spaces with a real buzz about them, and it was this buzz that created the perfect conditions for businesses to prosper, as BizSpace tenants were doing.
This gave us what we needed to create a three-year marketing plan that would deliver growth for the business and also create real value in the brand itself. In three stages the plan helps nurture ‘BizSpace Buzz’ and then promote each workspace and business centre from the buzz it creates.