Web Design

A website is more than just brochure wear. It should take the form of a digital storefront designed with the user at its heart to deliver true business value.
A website’s experience should be rewarding and engaging, its user journey seamless, and it should be truly reflective of the business or brand.

Your website acts as a window to the world. It’s capable of blending brand and business together in order to project the culture and values of your business and engage and interact with your prospective consumers whilst doing so.

Brief us

Are you serious about elevating your brand and making the changes that could set your business apart from the competition and build strong affinity with your key target audience? Then let's chat!
Your website should serve as a seamless extension of your brand. It should promote curiosity and answer questions. It should provide functionality and encourage interactivity. It should be more than just pages: It should possess heart.

At Huddle, our website designs do all of the above - and some. We design websites that come fully SEO optimised, communicate in your brand’s Tone of Voice, proudly parade your brand’s personality and have been built following in-house best practices:
huddle creative's H logo element


A website must provide clarity. From a business perspective it should know what it’s trying to say, to who. And from a user perspective, user journeys should be coherent, direct and intelligent.

huddle creative's H logo element


Depending on its purpose, a website’s UI/UX perspective should have no cul-de-sacs, just clear call to actions. Its user flow should be intuitive and seamless, with no gimmicks at the sake of design aesthetics.

huddle creative's HC logo element


A website isn’t a one-off. Websites should be made with an adaptable future phase blueprint in mind: A website should be designed to allow for regular updates and tweaked and changed experiences as the business around it scales or evolves.

How we work

It’s well known that a well considered, content-rich website can deliver big business benefits. Solid visual design, intuitive user flow and SEO optimisation can all enhance conversion and engagement rates to drive traffic that turns into paying consumers. As well as bottom line benefits, a website can bolster brand and business visibility, present the business on a world stage to attract global consumers, and act as a recruitment tool to sell to internal audiences alongside external ones.

At Huddle, we follow one lead guiding principle when it comes to our web design: To design the right thing before designing the thing right.

What that means when it comes to our approach is that we break it down into three categories, all which gel together to create a functional, interactive and productive website deliverable.

Bespoke Design

All of our website designs are individually crafted - not templated. We use a modular design that’s created with pre-designed building blocks made fit for purpose in order to achieve the brand’s goals and to promote individuality throughout the entire experience.

What’s more, we think of building a website as building an app experience. That means all of our bespoke websites are designed to be responsive across all devices and platforms, and come built in with mobile optimisation.

a web development tool with coded content
a photo of a storyboard being drawn out for a client

User-Centric Design

When we design websites we design them with a redactive approach that cuts through the noise to put the user at the heart of everything we do. We create user stories, identify users in the context of their needs and journeys, and make sure the website delivers a cohesive, engaging and interactive experience.

Thorough Research

At Huddle we put in the foundational work to achieve the best end result. In this instance, we leverage the power of 2 types of research. We use inspirational research, where we evaluate websites in other industries to see what influence it can have over our own designs, and we use stakeholder research which takes into account the considerations and views of all stakeholders to eventually consolidate the overall website design.

a photo of a creative genius making notes and cards
mayo clinic new ux interface by huddle creative

Case Studies: Mayo Clinic

Detailed, precise and masterful - our UX design for Mayo Clinic is a perfect example of how our team of expert designers works alongside clients to create exceptional, unique designs.

What you’ll get

At Huddle we know the process of undergoing a website redesign is as unique as the website itself. So whether you’re looking for a complete website design, a valued and experienced second opinion on an existing or proposed design, or you just need some of our offerings as bolt ons - we’ve got a range of different deliverables to suit depending on your needs.

Information Architecture/Sitemap
Website Concepts + Design Development
Front End & Back End Build
CMS Training

Brief us

Are you serious about elevating your brand and making the changes that could set your business apart from the competition and build strong affinity with your key target audience? Then let's chat!



What impact will a website redesign have on my business?

It’s difficult to estimate the exact impact of a website redesign, however t a strong website redesign will produce a whole host of benefits including a boost in SEO rankings, and new engagement and interactivity from prospective customers.

What should I build my website on?

A: We’re technology agnostic at Huddle, which means we won’t outright favour one platform over another. Instead we’ll recommend something non-proprietary that’s highly customisable and possesses extendibility and scalability.

How will I know a new website is working?

If your website has been designed to enhance the needs of your business you will expect to see improvements in traffic and interaction, all which can be tracked against analytics and predetermined KPIs.